I’m so excited to work together and style you! I’d love some information on your ideal looks! Color ways, patterns you like/dislike, denim style (skinnies, bootcut, boyfriends) and I’ll get to work. I have 3 different packages 📦 I’m building. Each overly exceeds its value!
1. $49 will get you 2 tops (or a dress - your choice) & an accessory (our tops are normally $36-$68 each, dresses normally $54+)
2. $99 will be 2 tops, a pair of dream denim (our premium denim starts at $68) or you can chose a dress & 2 accessories.
3. $149 will be 2 tops, 2 denim (or one dress & denim) and 3 accessories ♥️
Let me know which you’d like to do - I can’t wait to style you!